Like most around the globe, SeattleLab has had to adapt to a changing world in 2020. It has been a year like no other in recent history. Every aspect of the world’s economy has been affected by the COVID 19 pandemic.

In our latest blog, we explains how SLNet can help keep your organisation secure in an ever-changing world.

Moving the workforce to the cloud

Working from home has become a reality for large parts of the global population during government lockdowns.

This has meant much of the workload has been moved to the cloud. Public networks are now essential for the everyday running of organisations.

But moving to these public networks has placed a higher need for secure communications.

Communications through public networks can be at risk of bad actors if security is not treated seriously.

Recently we saw with the breach of the SolarWinds network, how a large business can be disrupted by such hacks.


Where SLNet comes in

With SL Secure, it has never been easier to protect your data and keep your communication lines secure.

One of the most unique features of our newest products is the ability to protect your networks from outside interference.

For a full list of the new features of SL Secure, have a look at the press release here.

To see for yourself how SL Secure can help, try a free download of our software by following the link below:


 Download SL Secure Free Trial